Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dollar Store Flashcard Deal

I stopped at the Dollar Tree tonight and was super excited to come across these alphabet and number flashcards made by Playskool. I cleared out two Dollar Trees and bought one for each of my little kiddies (I have two half day classes, 24 students total!), and thought they would be great to use for either practice during the day or homework.  I've done math binders before with my older students, where the kids have flashcard practice each night for homework, and think these might work for adapting the idea for Pre-K!


I've been teaching for 4 years (Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade) , and am SO excited for my new adventure next year...PRE-K!! I'll be at the same school, but I will be switching rooms.  I've been reading teaching blogs for about six months now, and slowly bookmarking and saving all the great ideas you all have. I thought that by starting this blog, it would be a great way to document this big change. I'm also busy planning my wedding for next summer (July 2012). Well here goes nothing!